What once was a Squire brewhouse is now home to Teddy’s at North Gong: a sports bar where the game isn’t just on the screen; it’s in your hands. There is live sport playing on multiple massive screens throughout, billiards, darts and a driving simulator. There are games to watch and games to play, in the physical and digital space. 

As part of the North Wollongong Hotel, Teddy’s breathes new life into the town of Wollongong (Dharawal Country). It’s the place to go with a group of mates, or to meet new ones. There’s food to share, rounds to be bought, games to play and a healthy rotation of sport to watch. 

The name is an ode to Carl Theodore “Teddy” Bode, the founder of what we know today as the North Gong Hotel. A publican and punter with a horse or two of his own, Teddy fostered Aussie sporting culture as we know it today and it lives on at Teddy’s.

Special shout-out to Scott Lane, Michael McPherson, Joshua Hill and the North Gong Team for a successful opening in December 2022!